When you are buying from a true artisan / maker, you are buying more
than just an object. You are buying hundreds of hours of hard work, failures and
experimentation. You are buying months and years of frustration and the moments of
happiness. You are not buying just a thing. You are buying a piece of
heart, soul and a moment in someones life. And most importantly, you are
buying the artisan more time to do something they are passionate about.
Pictured above, is a British India Victorian One Rupee Coin Ring, created as a wedding band in September 2013. It was requested to be made in true to form fashion. That, being hand-made. No machines. As a coin artisan, I do all my work by hand. No castings, or fancy ring making machines or what I call "Chinese Manufacture". As coin ringing has grown in popularity, fewer people are buying pieces, but wanting to create their own. This of course is a good thing. However, more and more ridiculous tools and lazy methods are popping up to make this art form seem"easier". The truth is, there is no easy way to do it unless a machine is doing the work for you. And that is not what I consider artisan jewelry. So, before you spend your money on some silly tool you saw on youtube, or on some silly method you read about. Understand, that what I teach, and how I create my work is traditional and you don't need any of those special tools created especially for coin ring making. I don't use them. All the tools I use are readily available, have been around for decades and are easy to buy for a low cost. In this post. We are going to go over the basic tools. Tools can chose from that won't cost you an arm and leg then decide the hobby isn't for you. Its best to give it a go first. And then decide if you want to continue. And, if you want to make pieces you are proud of. Pieces that are a part of you. You are going to first have to challenge yourself to do it.
Lets take a look at some of the tools I use in my shop. And create a list so you know what you will need to get started. Now is probably as good a time as any to inform you, I have been making these rings for 12 + years. So I have some experience under my belt. And your results won't be the same as mine just yet. But if you take my advice, and go from there. You will get great results. I have seen it over and over. With an occasional grouchy nutter that just can't figure it out, and blames me as being deceptive in my blog. It makes me laugh. Simply put. I don't have to put anything up here. And I don't have any deceiving to do. Nutters are nuts. What can I say. Some people just simply lost the plot. And once in a while, I get hit with it. That's life. Point is. I don't want nutters writing me with their weird complaints or nasty gob. So. haha. If you're unstable. Jog on.
So, you're here. Lets get to the list. The most basic tools you will need is a round ring mandrel, Raw Hide Mallet or Nylon mallet. I highly prefer raw hide. So, that is what I suggest. However, your local shop may not carry them. So Nylon is fine. But I do recommend Raw Hide. 4 Oz, to 9 oz is best depending on the size of ring you are working with. Larger coins, heavier mallet. smaller, lesser weight. You're going to need a tool to put a center hole in your coin. And there are several options. A drill, a die punch set, or, if you want to go methodical. I recommend a jewelers saw to cut your center hole. We will get into depth on the sawing method more later and in future posts. You will need a calipers. A round file and flat file. 600 grit sand paper and a way to anneal your coins by use of a torch and a few more items that will be handy. First lets start with.
This is the most basic tool you will need in coin ring making. I have four, for different sizes of rings. Stepped. Smooth. Small. And a wooden mandrel for gold. But for you, you only need one or two depending on budget. On the top left is your basic grooved steel mandrel. The grooves are a ring size chart which can be handy. So you know how far to stretch your piece for size. On the right, is a stepped mandrel. Each step is a size. The handy thing with a step mandrel, is you can more easily get your ring band uniform in shape. And more accurately size it. But this is really its only use in coin ringing. The standard mandrel is a must have. Note: I prefer the smooth steel mandrels. The grooves can mar your coin and its sizing is not always accurate. And I always wrap my mandrel in leather to prevent any marring inside the band even on the smooth mandrels. So whatever way you go. Use leather on your mandrel as much as possible.
The second and evenly important tool is a non marring mallet. Since we are working with coins, and the design of which being the key to its appearance as a ring. We don't want to loose any details of the coins strike pattern. There are two very good options as seen above. The rawhide is a bit more costly for a quality long lasting one. And they come in a variety of face sizes and weight good for smaller coins and larger coins. Rawhide even has the option of being lead filled which are excellent for working larger, thicker coins like silver dollars as seen below. Or coins made of hard copper nickel, nickel and steel. The Nylon, or plastic mallet is a cheaper way to go. They don't last as long. But are easy to replace for an average cost of 12-15$. But do you want to constantly replace them? There are also different varieties and sizes as well. But not like the raw hide mallets. Something you can explore in your spare time on the internet is looking at mallets. In the end, it will really come down to which mallet you prefer to work with. If you take this craft seriously, you will end up with them all anyway. I did.
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1881 Morgan Dollar "The Gamblers Ring" Size 11. Done with Lead filled Raw Hide Mallet. The only way to go is Lead Filled on these large Silver Coins. | so we can look up a coins alloy, size etc before we buy one. NOTE: I am making no mention of gold coins, as most of you will be working with copper and silver. If you are brave enough to start with gold coins with little money. Contact me, so I can remind you to STOP and wait until you can form a ring proper and little marring. Ruining gold pieces is costly. And it just plain sucks! Get to a level you feel confident in your work first. Gold is soft. And working it can be very hard to do. One day. I will cover gold ring making for those of you who are ready.

Hand cutting a center hole is my preferred method. Die punches can create hairline fractures in your coins. Especially older coins or coins with higher relief details. Hand cutting allows me to cut the hole where I want it and gives me complete control over its size and center. And the bonus is it does not damage the coin like a 6 ton hammer blow would do. If you want to go this route, it is a bit more tedious. Needs some practice. But worth it in my opinion. You will need a drill, with small drill bit. An Adjustable Jewelers saw, as seen top left. #0 is my preferred choice of cutting blade.
The Circle Center Finder Tool is a must have tool in my opinion that will help you locate the center of your coin no matter its size. With the use of a circle template, its a cheap and powerful set of tools. The one shown here is 4 dollars from Jerry's. And I am sure any home improvement store will carry one like it. Though, calipers can be just as useful and give you just as good results using a little math. Or, just simply eyeballing it. That I will definitely cover in detail down the road so you can see what exactly I am talking about.
These next two tools are important tools you will use a lot. Calipers are how I measure my center hole, and draw a dead center circle on my coins. If they come out a bit off. I then use the same tool to measure the distance from the smallest point. Created a new center guide and file away with a round file to make it even. I've been asked so many times how to get a perfectly centered hole as if it matters when you first put the hole into the center of the coin. A perfectly centered hole by use of drill, saw or punch does not matter. So stop worrying about it. The truth is. Dead center just makes it easier. If it is slightly off. Its not a big deal. Its fixable down the road in the transformation.The key is, just get it as close to center as you can. Measure, mark and file it into a nearly perfect center hole. There are a wide variety of calipers. From cheap plastic 5$ versions as seen top left, to the 15-20$ digital style right. A high end precision caliper really isn't necessary. But if you already own one. Great. I will mention, in my experience while cheap calipers work fine. A set of locking calipers is best. I see some come up on ebay every now and then for dirt cheap. And they are a steal. So look around for a locking set. If its under 15$. Grab it.
Round and flat files. The round file is what you will use to even out your center hole. Just about any kind will do. Have a harbor freight in town? You can pick up 90% of the tools needed there. And its cheap. The flat file is for working the non factory side of your ring once its been folded over. You'll notice as you work your ring, the non factory side will start to get thin. Use your calipers and flat file to file away evenly the thinness that occurs. This also plays part in making an even band. So that center hole wasn't, totally necessary. Once in ring form. Again. Measure and file. Be sure you use high grit sand paper after each time you file to remove burs and to smooth out your filings. I also find that using a jewelers loop to to check the non factory side as you fold the ring to check for cracks is good practice. No loop? Use a marker. ink it over. wipe it clean. If you see hairlines that are dark and you can't wipe off. You have a crack. If you catch a hairline crack early, you can file it away before it becomes a problem you can't fix.
A very old ring sizing tool is the Rathburn ring stretcher. These work great for helping size and making your ring uniform in shape. And guess what? They are cheap to buy. Remember to anneal your coin ring before you place it on this tool. And like the use of a mandrel, I highly suggest wrapping leather around this tool as it is extremely prone to marring. Place your ring non factory side down, leaving the factory side over the lip of the step. I prefer to use a dead blow hammer on these tools when I use one. That is basically a mallet full of beans or lead blobs.
As mentioned earlier, sizing on a steel mandrel isn't very accurate. So I suggest buying a plastic ring sizer stick, and set of ring size loops. Shown above are two very common sizing sticks. One is standard US sizes, and the other is UK and US sizes. Your Calipers can determine the inside MM. And printing out a world ring size comparison chart is free. Grab one and post it on your wall near your work bench. I'll provide a copy of one here below.

Sparex is great for removing any fire stain from annealing. You will use this pickle every time you anneal your coins as they work harden. Heat your piece, and quench it in a bath of water with sparex. Do not use a metal bowl, or any kind of metal as sparex will eventually eat it away. A ceramic bowl, or crock pot works great. A heated solution of sparex works better when warm. Use copper jewelry tongs, or stainless steel. Keep a small bath of water mixed with baking soda nearby to neutralize the acid. Or just water. Sparex is not something you want on your cloths, or steel tools. If left it can eat holes in cloths, cloths and your tools. If working with a pickle, you will notice a dunk into sparex will turn your silver a flat white color. A brazed look. Steel wool, polish cloth or a large eraser will remove this white color. I actually use the sparex in my fire finish designs as it creates a great satin like finish in the low relief fields on polished rings. Some experimenting and you will come up with some neat finishes to your rings.
NOTE: If working with brass. Let your annealed piece sit on a piece of steel to cool down before you let it sit in your pickle solution to remove the fire stain.
Finishes to your rings.
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Patina Finish. This is done many ways. the most common is use of Liver Of Sulphur. |
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1871 Silver UK Shilling. Satin / Fire Finish |
Well, there you have it. The Basic tools of hand-made coin ring making. I hope this post was helpful. And I wish you the best of luck in your coin ring making. Remember, hard work pays off. You will not only feel good about having crafted a ring by hand. But you've put a piece of yourself into each of these pieces. No machine can ever do what the hands of an artisan can do. The Picasso's and Van Gogh's didn't use a machine to paint. Great singers don't use auto tune. For me, this is about creating pieces of art. Pieces I am proud to share with others. Hopefully. My photos give you a little inspiration. I am always excited when I make a nice piece.
Good luck. Subscribe if you wish to be updated on the next post. I post these for you guys in my free time. So I hope they help.
Join me on FACEBOOK - No Nut bars allowed.
All ring images © O'Shea Coin Rings 2012, 2013.
This article is published and © 11/2/13 O'Shea Coin Rings. And it is not under the public domain.
Another great article. Thanks for the tips. I have most of this but need a couple of things.
ReplyDeleteJust a thought; I started a new ring yesterday and as I was cutting the whole I was thinking about your post. I lubricate my saw with a wax-like substance (Burr-Life from Rio Grande). I picked that tip up once upon a time. Not sure if it helps but thought I'd mention it. I was wondering what you do for smaller coins? I'd like to work on some small coins but my mandrel is 12mm wide. Was thinking a 6 pence ring would make a nice wedding gift. Are there narrower mandrels out there?
ReplyDeleteyes, burr-life is a good thing to have. But its not necessary. I am trying to keep it to the simple tools. Saw blades are cheap, they typically break after one good use anyway. And the holes you cut are so small, its not like doing, say, a cut coin. Where BL is more suitable.
DeleteMANDRELS. Yes, there are smaller mandrels. That is what I use for my small rings, shilling size and below. I DID leave that out. Meant to include it. But, yes. Smaller mandrel. In fact, oddly, you can use the mandrel in the RATHBURN as a small mandrel. Granted, its tiny. But it will do the trick if you dont have a small mandrel. You really only need a small mandrel to step it up to fit a standard size mandrel.
On a small mandrel, I always hammer it facing down. On the large standard. Always facing up. Give that a try. If you want a better small size mandrel, look at riogrande, for beading mandrels, or small size mandrels. They are around 20$ I believe.
Thanks again, and all the best in your ring work!!
The second and evenly important tool is a non marring mallet. Since we are working with coins.
Amazing rings! I am going to attempt to make a ring for my dad out of a Walking Liberty with his birth year. I'm curious about how you go about wrapping the mandrel with leather to prevent marring. It seems like it might make it hard to work the ring (for a beginner) as well as get an even wrap. Any tips on wrapping? Also, how often do you recommend annealing during the process with silver?
Your skill is so great!! I want to make one but there are some problems...the inner side of the ring is blur out by the rubbing against the mandrel, is it better to use rathburn? I have a quarter but my wife's finger is smaller than the diameter of the quarter, can you make those round edge rather than a funnel-like ring?
Use leather. That will end the marring. You will always get a little marring there anyway. After you have folded your ring, use a flat file and file away 90% of the blur. Leave the rest and as it works with you for a comfortable smooth fit.
DeleteA rathburn is extremely helpful as well. And for their price, I would say yes pick one up. BUT, use leather on it! Otherwise you'll get marring inside it as well.
On any of the coin ring making sites i have visited, nobody has mentioned what i think is a very relevant and important piece of information ! And that is what size hole is needed in the coin, and do you need different size holes for different size rings ?
ReplyDeleteVmax. I almost always use the smallest hole possible on all my coins. Just so they fit on the mandrel tightly. The reason being is, because it gives me room to work. As I mention over n over. The filing of the non factory side is the real KEY to a great ring. Not the initial hole. Trust me. I have a lot of years under my belt with these. If I am working with a larger size ring, I will go with a larger hole.
DeleteFor small coins, a small hole and the use of a small mandrel.
I will cover this in my next post. So people understand it. I will list some basic hole sizes I use. But the truth is, its really a matter of judgement based on how you want the ring to turn out.
Next post will be around the 10th of April as I am on holiday. So check back. And hopefully I will sort this all out for you all.
Cheers and Best of luck.
Is there any way with hand tools to make a ring smaller? I tried making a ring out of a half dollar (started with a cupro-nickel one as to not ruin any silver) but the end result is way too large for my finger. Would starting with a smaller hole be the best bet?
ReplyDeleteYes and a smaller mandrel would help as well.
ReplyDeleteSomeone asked above and I am curious do you get your rings domed?